This Common Household Herb is More Effective at Stopping Pain than Ibuprofen

This Common Household Herb is More Effective at Stopping Pain than Ibuprofen

Written by Alma Sommer of

A study on turmeric was conducted with 109 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. The clinical trial was published in the journal, Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

To conduct the trial, some patients were given 800mg of ibuprofen while others received 2000mg of turmeric a day for six weeks. They tracked their pain while doing different activities, including walking and stair climbing.

The patients that took the Turmeric yielded better results. They showed greater performance and claimed they had a higher level of satisfaction then that of the ibuprofen group.

While Turmeric has been known as a safe and natural pain killer for centuries, Ibuprofen has been found to be very damaging. Turmeric contains polyphenol which has been shown to have over 600 health benefits. “The Lancet review has found ibuprofen to be as toxic to the heart as Vioxx, a banned anti-inflammatory drug that caused thousands of deaths from cardiovascular diseases.” Turmeric is also very affordable and according to this study, it is definitely the better choice when it comes to remedying what ails you.

Abstract image of Indian tumeric powder from vegetable market.Other uses for Turmeric:

  • Antiseptic and antibacterial properties, is useful for disinfecting wounds and burns
  • Cleanse the liver naturally
  • Natural remedy against pain
  • Regulates metabolism and helps to lose weight
  • Helps in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin diseases.
  • Accelerates wound healing and quickly restores the injured skin

red relief turmeric and kratom

Try Red Relief from – it’s a blend of kratom, turmeric, and black pepper. Great for pain and inflammation. 

So now you know, the next time you have a headache, or any of the other ailments listed above, just head over to your spice rack and grab some Turmeric. Make sure you stay stocked up!


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