My Pops has been using kratom and helping out with Brave Botanicals for a few years now. Early on when I was first selling kratom at Brave New Books, he was our lead “researcher”. Which basically meant he tried all the kratom and gave us his feedback. He also came up with some pretty cool kratom combinations and blends. Maybe we will bring some of them back some day.

He’s a great source of wisdom on the subject and earlier this week he posted the following tip in the Brave Botanicals Community Group on Facebook….

“I’ve been researching and experimenting with kratom for over three years now. I have found many benefits to my quality of life, including mood improvement, pain reduction, music sounds better, gym workouts are easier, I don’t drink as much alcohol, and more.

I’ve found only two issues; it doesn’t taste very good and it may cause constipation and/or stomach aches for SOME people.

I’ve also found a simple solution that helps both problems: I just mix a little psyllium husk powder with each dose, maybe half a teaspoon. This highly soluble fiber balances the insoluble fiber of kratom, and it also smooths out the harsh taste. Plus the added fiber has a lot of benefits on its own.” – Dave Bush

Thanks for the tip Dad!
If you want to give it a try, Click here to order psyllium husk on Amazon.com..

Over the next week or so we will be sending more kratom tips.

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