With Halloween and the election around the corner, we are living in spooky times! NOW through November 2nd at midnight, save 7.5% – 22.5% depending on your order total!!! Get 7.5% OFF when you spend $1 – $99 and use coupon code – scarytimes7.5 Get 12.5% OFF when you spend $100 – $199 and use […]
Author: John Bush
Happy Father’s Day
This father’s day, to honor the father’s out there, we are offering the following coupon codes…. To take 15% OFF EVERYTHING at MyBraveBotanicals.com use code –happyfathersday To take 20% OFF Capsules and Two Ounce Bags use code –dadsdaycaps2oz (NOTE: This code works for the Capsule Combo Pack and Two Ounce Combo Pack which are already […]
Kratom Ban Introduced in New Hampshire and Idaho Call to Action February 29, 2020 We need your help in New Hampshire and Idaho this week! Use the links below to contact key legislators. Please share these important legistlative updates with fellow Kratom Warriors! New Hampshire Kratom Warriors: We need your help right away! Right now there […]
How to Take Kratom
The many ways to take kratom – which one’s for you? There are many ways to consume kratom. What’s best for you depends on what you are going for. Do you want an instant effect? Do you not like the taste? Do you want to take the kratom while at work and prefer capsules? Below […]

STUDY: Kratom More Than 1,000 Time Safer Than Prescription Opioids
Those of you following the fight to keep kratom legal for the past few years may recognize Dr. Henningfield’s work. In 2017 he released a study examining kratom in light of the Controlled Substance Act’s eight factor analysis and found that banning kratom, ‘risks creating public health problems that do not presently exist”. This study […]

How I Consume My Kratom
In this video, John Bush, owner of Brave Botanicals, shares how he takes his kratom.

VIDEO: How Kraton Helps with Stress and Anxiety
In this video John Bush of Brave Botanicals shares his personal stories of how kratom has helped with stress and anxiety. Click the image above to watch the Facebook video.

Debunking the LAMEstream Media #FAKENEWS That Kratom Caused 90 Overdose Deaths
This past week Big Pharma, Big Government, and their partners in the Mainstream Media shelled out quite the onslaught of anti-kratom propaganda and disinformation.It all started with a Center for Disease Control “study” titled, Unintentional Kratom Doses with Kratom Detected. In the paper, the CDC examined “data on 27,338 overdose deaths that occurred during July 2016–December […]

✈ What Happens When You Fly to Mexico w/ Luggage and Backpacks Full of Kratom? ✈
As a kratom user or someone who is kratom curious, you will love this story! This will be the second year in a row I spend a significant time in Mexico. My family and I go down to attend the Anarchapulco conference and stay for a while before and after. This year, I’ll be speaking about parenting […]

We Are Selling Yet Another Product the FDA Doesn’t Want You Using – Colloidal Silver!
In 1999, the FDA issued a formal ruling that “all over the counter drug products containing colloidal silver ingredients or silver salts for internal or external use are not generally recognized as safe and effective” Where have we heard that before!?! The reason the FDA is against it? – Just like the kratom plant, the […]